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One Response to Contact

  1. Kit Wilby says:

    Dear co-operators,

    Sorry to be so late with this suggestion; having been out of the loop for years, I’ve only just picked up your problem of losing your homes by reading about it in Private Eye. Also my suggestion may already have been tried, or the legislation may have been repealed, or it may not apply in the circumstances of your members. As I recall there was an extension of the right to buy in SI 1987 No 1732. I think it allows a right to buy if there is a secure tenancy held from a landlord who in turn has a lease with a local authority. It would probably apply to a single tenancy of a whole house, as it allows for the purchase of the freehold. You’d need a good housing solicitor to decode it for you. As far as I know it has never been used, and so is probably forgotten. Good luck anyway, best wishes, Kit Wilby

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