The ugly truth of Lambeth’s social cleansing

The evictions of 40-year-old housing co-ops in Lambeth have uncovered the sickening face of social cleansing – click this link for the planning application design statement for 13 Lillieshall Road, the former home of a vulnerable housing co-op resident:

13 Lillieshall planning app 1


This is a ‘class war’ of Labour Lambeth’s own making! They have encouraged a grasping culture while still trying to deny they are gentrifying the borough!

In particular note the following passages:

4.1 “These once modest artisans cottages are now resided in by wealthy individuals attracted by the excellent and exclusive location, they have more demanding requirements.”

And point 8.7 “The building was originally a modest artisan residence, but now due to its excellent location , much more wealthy individuals are residing along the road .The proposed changes reflect the new status of the road whilst respecting what is a listed building.


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