FOI non-answer from Lambeth Council 05/12/13

Dear Lambeth Council complaints department,


After some considerable delay I received the attached answer to my FOI request of September 12, 2013 re: monies raised by ‘shortlife recall’.


First off, the fact that the vast majority of my question has not been answered is something I find alarming, and deeply unaccountable.


I have been referred back to previous FOI requests I made, but these were last year and the situation has moved on.  Besides it would only take a minute to attach the previous answer – although it would have to be updated of course, something that you are apparently unprepared to do.


Finally, the insinuation that these queries are vexatious is quite staggering, given the nature of the policy and the effect it is having, and also insulting.


So, my complaint is that there has been little or no attempt to answer my questions, moreover the reasons given for this mean that essential information on the policy of ‘shortlife recall’ remains hidden and that the blanket ‘vexation caveat’ means that further examination of the policy is endangered.  Moreover, how can it have taken so long to answer this FOI since so little detail is actually given?


Finally I take exception to the imperious tone of the sign off paragraph about the vexatious nature of FOIs on ‘shortlife’.  This is not the first time that answers have been related to me or colleagues is such a tone – but I do hope it will be the last.





Click link for ‘response':

Response (some exceeds appropriate limit)

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